카테고리 없음

10 lives / lose a life

츄츄별 2017. 5. 25. 03:59

A game where lies, betrayal, and controversies begin. Sometimes you'll be constantly attacked, sometimes you'll wish to die. This is how friendship and love ends.

2+ (The more merrier!)

1. The game host should make a list of the players
2. Change your display name to "10". 
3. Every member gets a turn to give their statement.
For example: Lose a life if you're from JYP.
4. If the statement corresponds to your character, you have to lose a life.
5. In the example, since SUZY is from JYP, she will lose a life.
But if your character is not from the JYP, then you do not lose a life.
6. Whenever you lose,
You need to change your display name to your current lives.
7. The last person alive is declared the winner!

* If there are more than 10 players, they can agree to raise the amount of lives before the game.

[Source]  10 LIVES! | Author  mxykh